Author: Waleed
Puppy-Proof Your Home in Style with Modern Dog Gates
Welcome to modern puppy-proofing! If you are a pet parent, you know that having a four-legged friend in the house can come with some challenges. The good news is that modern dog gates provide an easy way to keep your pup safe and sound, without sacrificing style or your own freedom of movement. In this…
Best Labrador Breeders
Introduction To find Labrador breeders, you probably already know how special this dog is. This breed has been popular in the UK for several reasons. They have remained popular for so long because of their exceptional temperament and versatility. They can be taught quickly, making them a great addition to any team. Although the lively…
What is Backyard Breeder?
Introduction A dog lives the average time of 10-13 years, but some dogs live much longer. When you buy a new puppy, you are taking the long deal. If everything goes well, he’ll grow up with your kids and become a part of your family for many years. You, of course, want a puppy that…
North America’s only Marsupial – Virginia Opossum
The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is North America’s only marsupial. It is only the size of a domestic cat weighing up to 15 pounds. Adult males are bigger than females. Virginia opossums are mainly recognized by their grayish black hair. They have pink nose and narrow snout. Like Australia possums, Virginia opossums have long tail—reaching…
What Does a Possum Sound Like? – Possum Vocalizations
POSSUMS aren’t really noisy animals. But they do generate clicking sounds as well as hissing and growling particularly when they are looking for their mates in the breeding season. Possums will probably hiss or growl when they feel threatened. Unlike adults, young opossums will sound like sneezing perhaps to call out their parents. What Does…
Is a Possum a Rodent?
HOWEVER bizarre or rat-like it appears to be, possum is not a rodent. It is a marsupial mammal. All rodents belong to the order Rodentia whereas possums belong to the order Didelphimorphia. They are the same marsupial mammals as kangaroo, wallaby, and koala. Unlike other mammals, marsupial mammals are mainly recognized by their prominent fold…
Are Possums Blind? – Can Possums See at Night?
NO, possums aren’t blind at all. They can see things pretty well during the day as well as at night. However, their night vision is extremely limited which is why they rely on their keen sense of smell and sharp hearing to find food. Nonetheless, baby possums are born blind. They are just about the…
Do Possums Hibernate in Winter? – Opossum Hibernation
POSSUMS do not generally hibernate or perhaps they just don’t need to. Opossums will do just about anything to go by the extreme cold weather and their adaptability to different habitats assists them to survive without hibernation. During winter, opossums will probably become diurnal; they’ll go active during daytime when it is warmer. At night…
What Does a Possum Poop Look Like? Possum Poop
PEOPLE often wonder what does a possum poop look like particularly when find one in their attic or in backyard gardens. Opossum’s poop basically looks similar to a medium-sized dog poop in that both are large droppings. Like dog poop, the opossum poop isn’t broken into tiny pieces; it’s two to three large droppings instead.…
Are Possums Nocturnal? Is a Possum Nocturnal?
MOST possums are strictly nocturnal in that they become most active at night. The peak timing of possums’ activity is from dusk to dawn. As the night falls, the animal climbs into the trees to feed as well as to interact with its counterparts. A few species however do emerge during daylight hours but most…